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Pranayama for Life
How to get the most from this course...
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The History of the Practice
Props & Practice
Introduction to Pranayama & Course Layout (10:14)
Precautions For Pranayama
21 Day Practice Building Calendar
LIVE Sessions - Community Forum Mighty Networks
LIVE Q & A 1 Replay (Recording) (38:50)
LIVE Q & A 2 Replay (Recording) (36:18)
LIVE Q & A 3 Replay (Recording) (34:13)
LIVE Q & A 4 Replay (Recording) (41:18)
LIVE Q & A 5 Replay (Recording) (43:18)
LIVE Q & A Replay 6 (Recording)
LIVE Q & A Session 7 (Recording - Final Session) (32:46)
Breath Awareness
Yin Yoga for Pranayama Practice (3 poses to open up) (10:25)
Seated Yoga Stretch - Preparing for Pranayama (6:57)
Simple Breath Awareness Practice (8:36)
Introduction to Diaphragmatic or 3 Part Breath (8:54)
3 Part Diaphragmatic Guided Pranayama Practice (6:55)
Q & A - questions most often asked as you begin your practice (4:53)
Sama Vritti, Vishama Vritti & Lengthening the Breath Cycle
Sama Vritti (Same Length) Pranayama - Introduction (5:36)
Vishama Vritti (Different Length) Pranayama - Introduction (5:44)
Awareness of the Gap or Pause & Deepening of the Pause (8:03)
Bhastrika Pranayama
Bhastrika Pranayama - Bellow's Breath Introduction (6:54)
Bhastrika Pranayama Guided Pranayama Practice (3:18)
Kapalabhati Pranayama
Kapalabhati Pranayama - Skull Shining Breath Introduction (6:08)
Kapalabhati Pranayama Guided Pranayama Practice (2:55)
Anuloma Viloma
Anuloma Viloma Introduction (4:43)
Anuloma Viloma Guided Pranayama Practice (5:28)
Agni Sara
Agni Sara Introduction (5:47)
Agni Sara Guided Pranayama Practice (1:34)
Bhramari Breath
Bhramari (Humming Bee) Pranayama Introduction (8:05)
Bhramari Guided Pranayama Practice (3:03)
Lion's Breath
Simhasana Lion's Breath Introduction (3:54)
Lion's Breath Guided Practice (1:28)
Sitali & Sitkari Breath Practices
Sitali & Sitkari Pranayama Introduction (5:29)
Sitali & Sitkari Cooling Guided Pranayama Practice (3:10)
Ujjayi Breath
Ujjayi (Victorious Breath) Pranayama - Introduction (6:33)
Ujjayi Pranayama Guided Pranayama Practice (3:49)
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
Nadi Shodhana - Alternate Nostril Breathing Pranayama Introduction (7:54)
Nadi Shodhana A Pranayama Guided Practice (4:25)
Nadi Shodhana B Pranayama Guided Practice (5:07)
Nadi Shodhana C Pranayama Guided Practice (9:46)
Deepening Your Practice
The Meditative Pause Between Breaths (10:24)
Utgeet (Hari Om) Pranayama Intro (5:39)
Root (Mula Bandha) Lock (10:04)
Blending the Practices Together - AM/PM
Morning Cleansing & Detoxifying Pranayama (29:20)
Evening Soothing Pranayama (10:53)
Mini Pranayama Practice (9:55)
Vishama Vritti (Different Length) Pranayama - Introduction
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